Towards a New Generation of Engaged Universities:
The Need to Act, Adapt and Transform

16th – 18thApril, 2024 | Kempinski Central Avenue (Formerly the Address Dubai Mall), Dubai, UAE

Forum's Structure

Morning Pre-Forum Workshops 
08:30-09:00Pre-Forum Workshops’ Registration
09:00-12:30 Workshop 1: Leading Transformative Change: Strategies for Institutional Innovation

Workshop 2: Fostering belonging in Higher Education: Services and support to build competence, confidence and resilience
Dr. Catherine Hack, Principal Adviser, Learning and Teaching, AdvanceHE, UK
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12:30-13:00 Coffee Break
13:00-14:00Pre-Forum Workshops’ Registration
14:00-17:30 Workshop 3: Innovative Approaches to Research for Engaged Universities: Driving Impact and Collaboration
Workshop 4: Microcredentials and Stackable Degrees: Empowering Learners in the New Era of Engaged Universities
17:30-18:00 Coffee Break

9:00-10:00Forum Official Opening & Awards Ceremony
Morning Plenary Session
Morning Plenary
10:10-10:35Keynote Address I
10:40-11:05Keynote Address II
11:05-11:15Plenary Q&As
11:15-11:30Coffee Break & Exhibition Official Opening
11:30-12: 40Panel Discussion I: Leadership Strategies for Engaged Universities: Driving Engagement, Fostering Innovation, and Leading Transformative Change
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12:40-13:40Panel Discussion II: Aligning Higher Education with Societal Needs: Adapting to Changing Demands
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13:40-14:30Lunch Break
14:30-17:30Case Studies’ Presentations (Parallel Sessions)
 Track 1: Innovation for Societal ImpactTrack 2: Adaptive Teaching and LearningTrack 3: Innovative ResearchTrack 4: Enhancing the Student Experience
8:30-8:50Morning Coffee
Morning Plenary Session
9:10-9:40Keynote III
11:00-11:15Coffee Break
11:20-12:35Panel Discussion III: Embracing Technology in Learning and Teaching: Rethinking
Pedagogy for the Digital Age

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12:40-13:10Keynote Address IV
13:10-14:00Lunch Break
Round Tables – Parallel Sessions
14:00-16:30Round table (1)| Advancing Sustainability and SDGs: The Role of Universities in Fostering a Sustainable Future 
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Round table (2)| The Role of Universities as a Catalyst for Skilling, Reskilling, and Upskilling: Enhancing Employability and Workforce Readiness
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Round table (3)| Empowering Student Engagement: Enhancing
Governance, Collaboration, and Well-being in the Digital Age
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16:30-16:45Coffee Break
16:45-17:10Forum Closure/Certificates’ Collection
Morning Pre-Forum Workshops and Webinars 
09:30 – 09:55 Pre-Forum Workshops’ Registration
10:00 – 11:15 Workshop 1 (Online): Formulating and leading your institutional digital learning strategy A hands-on virtual workshop for administrators Facilitators: Dr. Fernando Senior, Learning strategist, Quality Matters representative for Latin America and the Caribbean,  Founder, Strategy2Learn LLC, USA Dr. Debra Mashek, Founder of Myco Consulting LLC [popup_trigger id=”10856″ tag=”p” classes=”readmore25″ do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger] Workshop 2 (Face to Face): Teaching and Learning after the Storm: Re-thinking our Practices Facilitator: Dr. Charles Knight, Senior Adviser Teaching and Learning, AdvanceHE Sponsored by [popup_trigger id=”10859″ tag=”p” classes=”readmore25″ do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]
11:15 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:35 – 13:00 Workshop 1 – Continuation Formulating and leading your institutional digital learning strategy A hands-on virtual workshop for administrators Workshop 2 – Continuation Teaching and Learning after the Storm: Re-thinking our Practices
Afternoon Pre-Forum Webinars
14:00 – 15:15 Webinar 1: Exploring the Future of HE: Leveraging on Micro-credentials to Offer Flexible Learning Pathways [popup_trigger id=”10836″ tag=”p” classes=”readmore25″ do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger] Facilitator: Prof. Mairead Nic Giolla Mhichil, Director of Micro-Credential Strategy and Innovation, Head of DCU Studio, Dublin City University, Ireland Webinar 2: Internationalization in Higher Education in a Post COVID-19 Era: Thinking and Planning Ahead [popup_trigger id=”10842″ tag=”p” classes=”readmore25″ do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger] Facilitator: Ayse Deniz OZKAN Vice-Director for Global Education and Partnerships, Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey
15:15 – 15:30 Break
15:35 – 17:00 Webinar 1 – Continuation Exploring the Future of HE: Leveraging on Micro-credentials to Offer Flexible Learning Pathways Webinar 2 – Continuation Internationalization in Higher Education in a Post COVID-19 Era: Thinking and Planning Ahead

8:00 – 9:00Forum Registration
9:00 – 10:00Forum Official Opening
Opening speech by Dr. Narimane Hadj-Hamou,
Opening Address by Prof. Amr Ezzat Salama, Secretary General of Association of Arab Universities, Jordan
Award winners announcement
Sponsors and Partners Recognition
Morning Plenary Session

Morning Plenary

Chair: Prof. Hossam Hamdy, Chancellor, Gulf Medical University, UAE

10:00 – 10:35Keynote Address I
Steering tertiary education out of the crisis: Lessons from the COVID-19
Dr. Roberta Malee Bassett, Global Lead for Tertiary Education, Education Global Practice, World Bank Group, USA

[popup_trigger id=”11128″ tag=”p” classes=”readmore25″ do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]

10:40 – 11:25Keynote Address II
Our Golden Moment: Leading What’s Next
Dr. John O’Brien, President and CEO, EDUCAUSE, USA

[popup_trigger id=”9232″ tag=”p” classes=”readmore25″ do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]

11:25 – 11:35Plenary Q&As
11:35 – 11:55Coffee Break & Exhibition Official Opening
11:55 – 13:15

Panel Discussion | Lessons Learned From COVID-19: How to Adapt, Overcome & Enhance a Sustainable Higher Education Model

Panel Chair: 

Prof. Yusra Mouzughi, President, Royal University for Women (RUW), Bahrain


[popup_trigger id=”8545″ tag=”p” classes=”readmore25″ do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]

13:15 – 14:10Lunch Break
14:15 – 17:20Case Studies’ Presentations (Parallel Sessions)
14:15 – 15:45Track 1:
Re-inventing HE: New Pedagogies & Practices for Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Track 2:
Re-inventing HE: Digitalization and the Future of Universities
Track 3:
Re-inventing HE: Internationalization and Research
Track 4:
Re-inventing HE: New Relationships between HE and Society in a Global
Track 5:
Re-inventing HE: Micro-credentials and Digital Badges in Higher Education
15:45 – 16:00Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:20Track 1: ContinuationTrack 2: ContinuationTrack 3: ContinuationTrack 4: ContinuationTrack 5: Continuation
Morning Plenary Session
9:00 – 9:15 Morning Plenary Chair: Prof. Abilasha Singh, Vice President of Academic Affairs, American University in the Emirates, UAE
9:15 – 10:45 Debate: Did our Educational System Lose Relevance? What Leaders of HE Have to Say Moderator: Prof. Khaled Assaleh​,Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Ajman University, UAE Panelists:
  • Prof. Ruksana Osman, Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic, The University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
  • Dr. Weam Tutsi, Vice President for Quality and Development, University of Business & Technology (UBT), KSA
  • Prof. Dr. Olgun Cicek, Executive Board Member, YÖDAK (Higher Education Council), North Cyprus
  • Amanda Crowfoot, Secretary General, European University Association (EUA), Belgium
[popup_trigger id=”10942″ tag=”p” classes=”readmore25″ do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]
10:45 – 11:20 Keynote Address III Re-inventing Higher Education Post COVID-19: what does the data show? Mr. Phil Baty, Chief Knowledge Officer, Times Higher Education, UK [popup_trigger id=”10965″ tag=”p” classes=”readmore25″ do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]
11:20 – 11:40 Coffee Break
11:40 – 12:15 Keynote Address IV Higher Education post Covid-19 : what will we have learned and (what) are we able to change for the better? Dr. Hilligje van’t Land, Secretary General, International Association of Universities (IAU) Executive Director, International Universities Bureau,  France [popup_trigger id=”11277″ tag=”p” classes=”readmore25″ do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]
12:15 – 12:45 Keynote Address V Online Learning Best Practices Adoption After COVID – Adaptive Learning Eng. Salah Aldin Farhan, Education Solution Manager, Naseej, KSA [popup_trigger id=”11291″ tag=”p” classes=”readmore25″ do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]
12:45 – 12:55 Q&As
12:55 – 13:55 Lunch Break
Afternoon Plenary Session
14:00- 14:35 Keynote Address VI Ensuring AI as a Common Good for Education and for Humanity Dr. Fengchun Miao, Chief, the Unit for Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Education, Education Sector UNESCO Headquarters, France [popup_trigger id=”11345″ tag=”p” classes=”readmore25″ do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]
14:35- 14:55 Q&As and Round tables introduction
154:55- 15:15 Networking and Coffee Break
Round Tables (Parallel sessions)
15:15 – 17:15 Round Table 1: Post Pandemic Strategies for a Resilient Higher Education Sector Moderator: Dr. Jean-Noël Baléo, Middle East Regional Director, Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, Lebanon
Round Table 2: Re-inventing HE: New Pedagogies and Practices for Teaching, Learning and Assessment Moderator: Dr. Charles Knight, Senior Adviser Teaching and Learning, AdvanceHE Co-moderator: Prof. Herve Sabourin, Director for Strategic Projects, Reseau FIGURE, France
Round Table 3: Building Education Hubs of the Future 

Moderator: Prof. Francisco J. Marmolejo, Higher Education President, Qatar Foundation, Qatar

17:35 – 17:30 Official Forum Closure

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_tabs active_section=\”1\” css=\”.vc_custom_1568111822312{background-color: #eeeeee !important;}\” el_class=\”menahelf-tab\”][vc_tta_section title=\”Tuesday 22nd March, 2022\” tab_id=\”1562828962638-9848aaed-d6c7\”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text css=\”.vc_custom_1643923232989{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}\” el_class=\”table-responsive\”]

Morning Pre-Forum Workshops and Webinars 
09:30 – 09:55 Pre-Forum Workshops’ Registration
10:00 – 11:15 Workshop 1 (Online):
Formulating and leading your institutional digital learning strategy
A hands-on virtual workshop for administrators
Dr. Fernando Senior,
Learning strategist, Quality Matters representative for Latin America and the Caribbean,  Founder, Strategy2Learn LLC, USA
Dr. Debra Mashek, Founder of Myco Consulting LLC

[popup_trigger id=\”10856\” tag=\”p\” classes=\”readmore25\” do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]
Workshop 2 (Face to Face):
Teaching and Learning after the Storm: Re-thinking our Practices
Dr. Charles Knight,
Senior Adviser Teaching and Learning, AdvanceHE
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11:15 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:35 – 13:00 Workshop 1 – Continuation
Formulating and leading your institutional digital learning strategy
A hands-on virtual workshop for administrators
Workshop 2 – Continuation
Teaching and Learning after the Storm: Re-thinking our Practices
Afternoon Pre-Forum Webinars
14:00 – 15:15 Webinar 1:
Exploring the Future of HE: Leveraging on Micro-credentials to Offer Flexible Learning Pathways[popup_trigger id=\”10836\” tag=\”p\” classes=\”readmore25\” do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]

Prof. Mairead Nic Giolla Mhichil,
Director of Micro-Credential Strategy and Innovation, Head of DCU Studio, Dublin City University, Ireland

Webinar 2:
Internationalization in Higher Education in a Post COVID-19 Era: Thinking and Planning Ahead[popup_trigger id=\”10842\” tag=\”p\” classes=\”readmore25\” do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]

Ayse Deniz OZKAN
Vice-Director for Global Education and Partnerships, Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey

15:15 – 15:30 Break
15:35 – 17:00 Webinar 1 – Continuation
Exploring the Future of HE: Leveraging on Micro-credentials to Offer Flexible Learning Pathways
Webinar 2 – Continuation
Internationalization in Higher Education in a Post COVID-19 Era: Thinking and Planning Ahead

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=\”Wednesday 23rd March, 2022\” tab_id=\”1549796755861-66eb4e27-11eb\”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text css=\”.vc_custom_1643879722342{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}\” el_class=\”table-responsive\”]

8:00 – 9:00 Forum Registration
9:00 – 10:00 Forum Official Opening
Opening speech by Dr. Narimane Hadj-Hamou,
Opening Address by Prof. Amr Ezzat Salama, Secretary General of Association of Arab Universities, Jordan
Award winners announcement
Sponsors and Partners Recognition
Morning Plenary Session

Morning Plenary

Chair: Prof. Hossam Hamdy, Chancellor, Gulf Medical University, UAE

10:00 – 10:35 Keynote Address I
Steering tertiary education out of the crisis: Lessons from the COVID-19
Dr. Roberta Malee Bassett, Global Lead for Tertiary Education, Education Global Practice, World Bank Group, USA[popup_trigger id=\”11128\” tag=\”p\” classes=\”readmore25\” do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]
10:40 – 11:25 Keynote Address II
Our Golden Moment: Leading What’s Next
Dr. John O\’Brien, President and CEO, EDUCAUSE, USA[popup_trigger id=\”9232\” tag=\”p\” classes=\”readmore25\” do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]
11:25 – 11:35 Plenary Q&As
11:35 – 11:55 Coffee Break & Exhibition Official Opening
11:55 – 13:15

Panel Discussion | Lessons Learned From COVID-19: How to Adapt, Overcome & Enhance a Sustainable Higher Education Model

Panel Chair: 

Prof. Yusra Mouzughi, President, Royal University for Women (RUW), Bahrain


[popup_trigger id=\”8545\” tag=\”p\” classes=\”readmore25\” do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]

13:15 – 14:10 Lunch Break
14:15 – 17:20 Case Studies’ Presentations (Parallel Sessions)
14:15 – 15:45 Track 1:
Re-inventing HE: New Pedagogies & Practices for Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Track 2:
Re-inventing HE: Digitalization and the Future of Universities
Track 3:
Re-inventing HE: Internationalization and Research
Track 4:
Re-inventing HE: New Relationships between HE and Society in a Global
Track 5:
Re-inventing HE: Micro-credentials and Digital Badges in Higher Education
15:45 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:20 Track 1: Continuation Track 2: Continuation Track 3: Continuation Track 4: Continuation Track 5: Continuation

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Morning Plenary Session
9:00 – 9:15

Morning Plenary

Chair: Prof. Abilasha Singh, Vice President of Academic Affairs, American University in the Emirates, UAE

9:15 – 10:45 Debate: Did our Educational System Lose Relevance? What Leaders of HE Have to Say

Moderator: Prof. Khaled Assaleh,
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Ajman University, UAE


  • Prof. Ruksana Osman, Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic, The University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
  • Dr. Weam Tutsi, Vice President for Quality and Development, University of Business & Technology (UBT), KSA
  • Prof. Dr. Olgun Cicek, Executive Board Member, YÖDAK (Higher Education Council), North Cyprus
  • Amanda Crowfoot, Secretary General, European University Association (EUA), Belgium

[popup_trigger id=\”10942\” tag=\”p\” classes=\”readmore25\” do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]

10:45 – 11:20 Keynote Address III
Re-inventing Higher Education Post COVID-19: what does the data show?
Mr. Phil Baty, Chief Knowledge Officer, Times Higher Education, UK[popup_trigger id=\”10965\” tag=\”p\” classes=\”readmore25\” do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]
11:20 – 11:40 Coffee Break
11:40 – 12:15 Keynote Address IV
Higher Education post Covid-19 : what will we have learned and (what) are we able to change for the better?
Dr. Hilligje van’t Land, Secretary General, International Association of Universities (IAU) Executive Director, International Universities Bureau,  France[popup_trigger id=\”11277\” tag=\”p\” classes=\”readmore25\” do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]
12:15 – 12:45 Keynote Address V
Online Learning Best Practices Adoption After COVID – Adaptive Learning
Eng. Salah Aldin Farhan, Education Solution Manager, Naseej, KSA[popup_trigger id=\”11291\” tag=\”p\” classes=\”readmore25\” do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]
12:45 – 12:55 Q&As
12:55 – 13:55 Lunch Break
Afternoon Plenary Session
14:00- 14:35 Keynote Address VI
Ensuring AI as a Common Good for Education and for Humanity
Dr. Fengchun Miao, Chief, the Unit for Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Education, Education Sector UNESCO Headquarters, France

[popup_trigger id=\”11345\” tag=\”p\” classes=\”readmore25\” do_default]Read More[/popup_trigger]
14:35- 14:55 Q&As and Round tables introduction
154:55- 15:15 Networking and Coffee Break
Round Tables (Parallel sessions)
15:15 – 17:15 Round Table 1: Post Pandemic Strategies for a Resilient Higher Education Sector

Moderator: Dr. Jean-Noël Baléo,
Middle East Regional Director, Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, Lebanon

Round Table 2: Re-inventing HE: New Pedagogies and Practices for Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Moderator: Dr. Charles Knight, Senior Adviser Teaching and Learning, AdvanceHE
Co-moderator: Prof. Herve Sabourin, Director for Strategic Projects, Reseau FIGURE, France

Round Table 3: Building Education Hubs of the Future 

Moderator: Prof. Francisco J. Marmolejo, Higher Education President, Qatar Foundation, Qatar

17:35 – 17:30 Official Forum Closure