Towards a New Generation of Engaged Universities:
The Need to Act, Adapt and Transform

16th – 18thApril, 2024 | Kempinski Central Avenue (Formerly the Address Dubai Mall), Dubai, UAE

List of Exhibitors

The Center for Learning Innovations and Customized Knowledge Solutions (CLICKS) has a decade of experience working across the region and beyond in helping higher educational institutions of all types address strategic issues pertinent to governance, quality assurance, teaching and learning, strategy formulation, technology integration among others.
In line with its six areas of expertise
1) Leadership development and Governance
2) Strategy Development
3) Quality Assurance and Accreditation
4) Innovative Learning and Teaching
5) Research
6) Student Support and Academic Advising

CLICKS has been involved in training and consulting for over 180 higher education institutions and has developed a robust portfolio of professional development programs ranging from webinars, short courses and workshops to certificate programs. In addition, to its diverse range of industry specific fit-for- purpose consultancy services.

CLICKS works with several international partners to deliver its programs and services. In addition, the center is actively engaged in establishing dynamic platforms where people come together to discuss issues of relevance to the sector; this includes the establishment of the MENA Higher Education Leadership Forum and the MENA Association of University Presidents in 2013, the initiation of the In-conversation with CLICKS virtual panels in 2020, The Zairi International Awards for Excellence in Higher Education in 2021 among others.

Coursera is the global online learning platform that offers anyone, anywhere access to online courses and degrees from world-class universities and companies. Coursera partners with more than 275 leading universities and companies to bring flexible, affordable, job-relevant online learning to individuals and organizations worldwide. We offer a range of learning opportunities— from hands-on projects and courses to job-ready certificates and degree programs.

Connect Curriculum to Careers
• Equip students with in-demand job skills that drive employability.
• Enhance curricula with world-class content and hands-on experiences
• Improve career readiness and prepare graduates with job-based learning
• Enable faculty with supplementary content and promote blended learning
• Increase student capacity without increasing infrastructure costs
• Attract new students with a stronger global reputation

Advance HE is a member-led, sector-owned charity that works with institutions and higher education across the world to improve higher education for staff, students and society.

Our strategic goals to enhance confidence and trust in HE, address systemic inequalities and advance education to meet the evolving needs of students and society, supports the work of our members and the HE sector.

We are experts in higher education with a particular focus on enhancing teaching and learning, effective governance, leadership development and tackling inequalities through our equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) work.

We deliver our support through professional development programmes and events, Fellowships, awards, student surveys, providing strategic change and consultancy services and through membership (including accreditation of teaching and learning, equality charters, research, knowledge and resources).

Using our expertise and sharing best practice, we work with our network of global associates and partners, and with people, providers and systems around the world to understand contexts and challenges, and deliver solutions. It is our people and the people we help that really make us who we are.

Cengage is a global education and technology company built for learners. Cengage’s products and services create learning experiences that build confidence and momentum toward the future students want. Cengage is united by a single belief that every student has the potential to be unstoppable. Confident students are successful learners, so Cengage designs tools that keep them moving toward their goals.

QAA is the independent UK quality assurance agency that safeguards standards and quality in higher education; it is the only body officially recognised to undertake independent assessments and evaluations across the four UK nations which are used by all four national bodies to inform regulatory decision making. QAA works across the UK and internationally to raise standards and quality of higher education.

In the UK, QAA maintains the UK Quality Code for Higher Education, externally reviews higher education providers, and develops training, guidance, and events to assist providers to enhance the education they deliver.

Beyond the UK, QAA has more than 20 years’ experience of assuring and developing higher education quality to support the development of quality assurance systems worldwide. QAA has reviewed UK transnational higher education provision in more than 45 countries and has been commissioned  to continue this work until at least 2026.

Specifically for non-UK providers, QAA reviews and reports on the quality of their higher education and courses through its International Quality Review (IQR) method.

International Quality Review offers opportunities for institutions to:

  • Demonstrate that their quality assurance systems conform to international standards (ESG Part 1)
  • Evaluate and improve their quality assurance systems
  • Demonstrate that their quality assurance processes are effective and comparable with international best practices

QAA is a member of ENQA, INQAAHE, associate members of APQN, and is registered on the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR)

Since its establishment in 1995, ZEvA has been on the forefront of quality assurance of teaching and learning in higher education. ZEvA was the first agency for quality assurance founded in Germany, the first to establish an accreditation procedure and the first agency to be accredited. From the beginning, ZEvA has been active in national and international networks for quality assurance in higher education, such as the Joint Quality Initiative and the
European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). Since its transformation into a foundation under public law, ZEvA has continued to widen its range, establish new kinds of procedures and offering its services nationally and internationally.

Today, ZEvA’s range of services includes programme and system accreditation in Germany, evaluation, international accreditations on a programme and institutional level, institutional audits, certification and validation of educational offerings, as well as consultations and seminars in the area of teaching and learning in higher education. All activities of ZEvA that pertain to quality assurance in higher education are carried out in line with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) in their current version.

Emerald Publishing is one of the world’s leading digital first publishers, commissioning, curating and showcasing research that can make a real difference.

Emerald was founded in 1967 by Prof. Keith Howard who was Chief Executive or Chairman of Emerald Group (Holdings) Limited 1967 – 2021. His goal was to disseminate knowledge and link scientific research to benefits for the community.

We work with thousands of universities and business schools across the world to share knowledge and provoke the kind of debate that leads to positive change. We are a family business passionate about people and doing things differently.

For over 50 years, championing fresh thinking has been at the heart of the Emerald business. Our goal is to help those in academia or people in practice work together to make a positive change in the real world.
Therefore, we are delighted to be a founding signatory of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) Publishers Compact, publishing books and journals that will help inform, develop, and inspire action toward a better society and creating Real Impact.

Digival, a trailblazer in digital transformation for higher education, is powered by a dynamic team of quality assurance professionals, academicians, training experts, engineers, and health science specialists. This diverse group brings a rich tapestry of skills and insights, positioning Digival as a leader in elevating learning experiences across the MENA region.

Central to Digival’s mission is the fusion of technological innovation with educational excellence. The team’s collective expertise is reflected in its flagship products, DigiClass and DigiAssess. These tools are designed not just to facilitate digital learning but to revolutionize it. DigiClass redefines curricular activities management, making it more interactive and measurable, aligning perfectly with the stringent accreditation standards. DigiAssess, on the other hand, transforms student assessments with powerful analytics, driving continuous improvement in educational outcomes.

Digival’s commitment goes beyond creating educational tools; it spearheads comprehensive digital transformation services. This involves expert integration of ERP, SIS, and LMS systems, ensuring streamlined processes, heightened efficiency, and robust connectivity within educational ecosystems. This holistic approach secures Digival’s role as a versatile partner in digital transformations beyond the educational sector.

The team’s dedication to quality, innovation, and user-centric design has cemented Digival’s reputation as a pioneer in leading effective digital shifts. Each project is an embodiment of their commitment to making digital transformation accessible, efficient, and tailored to the evolving needs of institutions and organizations.

With Digival, educational institutions can effortlessly embrace the future of learning. It stands not just as a provider of technology but as a visionary architect of educational transformation – “Think Digital, Think Digival.”

Student success at scale; with timely, ethical learning support.

Universities around the world partner with Studiosity to help deliver ethical, scaled academic and peer services in order to reach student success targets. Robust policy, an evidence-led approach, collaboration with HE, and student-centric service development make Studiosity the global leader in online study success solutions.

Your students get formative feedback in minutes, to improve their own cognitive skills, to become better writers and stronger graduates. Whole-cohort and whole-of-institution impact is possible only with the scale,efficacy, and transparency offered by a Studiosity partnership.

More than 25 studies show that Studiosity is associated with key student success metrics, including grades, self-confidence, satisfaction, wellbeing, and retention. Universities are measurably increasing key student success metrics, with a service that is underpinned by unique quality assurances, our Academic Advisory Board, DVC Group, QA teams, and Student Advisory Group.

Wiley, a global leader in research and education, has been at the forefront of empowering discovery and learning for over two centuries. Our diverse portfolio, which includes books, journals, and cutting-edge digital learning platforms, caters to a wide range of academic and professional fields. We specialize in scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly research, enhancing teaching and fostering learning. Wiley stands out in its commitment to reskilling and upskilling talent across various industries, addressing the evolving needs of the global workforce. Through collaborations with leading educational institutions and societies, we drive progress and innovation in knowledge dissemination. Wiley’s dedication to accessibility ensures that learners and educators worldwide have the resources they need to succeed. Discover how we are shaping the future of education and professional development at Wiley. Connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook or X (Twitter).

Jalinga is an international vendor that produces, sells, and rents turnkey video studios designed for shooting educational courses, recording lectures, or holding webinars. Jalinga Studio is not an ordinary video glassboard, but a full-featured hardware and software system with patented features which are unavailable to analogs. We supply our clients with a complete solution, which allows them to start producing content without any additional settings.

FutureLearn is a leading career-focused learning platform, focused on accelerating professional growth through high-quality online courses and blended learning, from the world’s leading universities and brands. Our mission is to make quality education accessible to all and deliver market-leading learning outcomes.

We do this by partnering with universities in two significant ways:

1. Course Content Creation. We work closely with universities to create high-quality, high-demand content in the form of short courses and micro-credentials. These courses are tailored to meet the demands of the ever-evolving job market and empower learners with the skills they need to excel in their careers.

2. Boosting universities’ educational offering. We support universities in expanding the reach of their curricula, enabling students to gain job-ready skills that enhance their employability through proven competencies and stackable certificates. Our partnership ensures students have access to a diverse and global learning experience that complements their academic journey.