Global Challenges, Local Impact: Higher Education's
Role in Shaping a Resilient Future

14th – 16th April, 2026 | Dubai, UAE

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Dr. Noha Ahmed Bendary

Dr. Noha has multiple research in international journals in different areas in technology adoption models, on mobile commerce applications, either consumption or service applications, application of education digital platforms, and advertising applications, in addition to diverse research in different areas related to up-to-date research topics in the business arena. Dr. Noha has been involved in international exchange program (Erasmus) and is member of the innovation committee for the implementation of digital technology in education at the Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political Science.

Dr. Noha Joined the BUE in 2015, taught the following modules at BUE, Research Methods, Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management, Marketing Research, retail Management, Advertising and Public relations, Selling and Sales Management, service Marketing, and has been supervising Proposals and dissertations for the honors level.