Global Challenges, Local Impact: Higher Education's
Role in Shaping a Resilient Future

14th – 16th April, 2026 | Dubai, UAE

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Prof. Ali Hamie, Lebanon

Prof. Ali Hamie is Vice-President for Academic Affairs at Arts, Sciences & Technology University in Lebanon, Consultant at the Lebanese Parliamentary Information & Communication Committee and a member of the Lebanese National Team for implementing a national strategy for cybersecurity and countering cybercrime. He is qualified as Professor by the Lebanese University, a lecturer at the Master program, supervisor of more than 10 PhD theses in the field of optical communications, electronics, informatics and financial risks in collaboration with French and British universities.

He earned his master’s degree in sciences and Technology of Telecommunications in the year 2001 from Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Brest (ENIB) France, as well as his PhD from Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO) France where he defended his PhD thesis in Electronics/Optical Communications in 2004 within two years and 8 months. In 2014 he earned his Habilitation to Direct research (HDR) degree in Optical Communications from UBO. During his years of studies in France he was a temporary lecturer and researcher in the Electronics department at ENIB.

Visiting researcher in several French and British universities, senior member at Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Member of the regional bureau of CONFREMO and member in the Council of Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Arab Universities. Member in the European Tempus project “Distant Learning and Pedagogical Innovation”, a referent member of the “Digital Education Committee” of CONFREMO which includes references from 49 universities in the Middle East. Moreover, he is a member in the “Higher Education Quality Assurance Ad hoc committee” assigned by the Lebanese Directorate General of Higher Education, member in the “University Governance Screening Card Program” to improve quality and governance in tertiary Education in the MENA region supported by the World Bank and a member in the AUF project for student entrepreneurship development in Lebanon.

His scientific research focused on the multi-use of SOA as intensity modulator of the wireless and telecommunication standards and to realize all-optical functions as well, which both are required in advanced high-speed optical communications systems. He was a member of an EU-funded research project on the development of the optical communications network in Britain. He has published a patent in accident reporting system and has 65 publications in specialized refereed international periodicals and refereed international conferences. He is as well a reviewer at several refereed journals and conferences and an examiner in PhD and master’s committees in Lebanon, France and Britain.

He participated in more than 80 local and international pedagogical meetings, seminars, workshops and conferences revolving around: Distant learning, standards and guidelines for quality assurance, accreditation, competency-based approach, key performance indicators and governance in higher education.

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