Global Challenges, Local Impact: Higher Education's
Role in Shaping a Resilient Future

14th – 16th April, 2026 | Dubai, UAE

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Dr. Charles Knight

Dr. Charles Knight joined Advance HE in 2022 as Senior Adviser Teaching and Learning. Previous to this he worked at Salford Business School as  Associate Dean Academic (Student Experience). He is an experienced academic leader and management consultant with a proven track record of delivery in the areas of learning and teaching and enterprise. Dr. Charles has undertaken consultancy and research into the digital economy with an emphasis on how organisations and individuals can and will adapt to disruption to existing business models and ways of working. Dr. Charles is involved in the Chartered Associate of Business Schools (CABS) Associate Deans Network. He has worked extensively with a range of Universities at the strategic level to develop and rationale their portfolios.

Previously to working at Salford Business School, Dr. Charles was a director of the ERDF funded Productivity and Innovation Centre at Edge Hill University and a part of the leadership team in Edge Hill University Business School. Over the last ten years, he has been involved in both \’pure\’ research projects and commercially funded work on a consultancy basis. His interest in this type of work began when he did doctoral research exploring how front-line police officers were making use of mobile technologies.

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