The Higher Education Leadership Forum is one of the very few networks established in the MENA region to address higher education academic leaders. The forum through its various meetings aims at providing a regional platform to discuss latest trends, developments and issues pertinent to the field; share experiences and identify future directions for higher education. Furthermore, and given, institutions of learning operate today within a global world, the forum will also invite international experts from other parts of the world to share their experiences and lessons learnt.
Every year, the forum will be planned around a theme which is of relevance to the latest global and regional trends in higher education, this year’s Inaugural Forum is organized under the theme “Becoming a “World-Class University” in a Modern Context: Challenges Opportunities and Strategies Forward”. The theme was selected based on the growing attention universities has been giving to achieve what is called a ‘world-class’ status that enables them to compete in today’s global market and enhance their public image while remaining competitive. Whether universities attempt to achieve this status by designing and implementing internal practices to continuously improve quality, or whether they chose to conduct benchmarks against selected top universities, or apply for national, regional or international accreditation or aim at being ranked by one of the national or international ranking systems. They all place considerable efforts to achieve this ultimate goal, which provides challenges yet offers plenty of opportunities for those institutions that can reach it.
The forum addresses through its various activities different concepts linked to theme including the importance of good governance and leadership to attain excellence, the integration of a quality culture which enables institutions to compete, the pivotal role technology plays in shaping today’s education, addressing the changing nature of learners and becoming learner centric institutions, research and scholarly work and partnerships and cooperation as important elements of attaining a “world- class” status.
The focus of case studies should be on best practices and/or lessons learnt in cross-border higher education programs. The case studies are intended to be practical summaries to improve practice rather than formal, rigorous research papers. The following is a specific list of requirements for case study submissions:
1. Abstract and Full Case Study Submission Guidelines
- Case Study abstracts consisting of 200 words shall be submitted to the Forum Technical Committee by no later than the 30th of May, 2013 for consideration and allocations within particular streams. The abstract shall be structure in a way that the purpose, findings and implications of the case study are well described.
- The actual case study should be between 6 to 12 pages long excluding references and appendices, submitted in word format in a single-spaced, 12-point Arial style; title centered, in bold and all in capital letters; text and sub-titles aligned left and shall be sent by July, 30th, 2013.
- The title page should be separate and should include full name(s) of authors, affiliations, with city, country, phone, and email information.
- The case study itself shall provide:
- a background of the institution where the case study took place
- The context the case study tends to addresses; in other words the problem that prompted the initiative or the reason why the initiative was undertaken with possible examples illustrated
- The goals and outcomes intended to be achieved by the institutions
- The actual implementation strategy
- the results and outcome of the implementation strategy
- reflection on lesson learnt on the topic (the last page of the case study shall include a list of bulleted best practices and/or lessons learned). This could also include recommendations (positive or negative) to other learning institutions wishing to implement a similar case study.
- References if used must be in Harvard style and carefully checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency.
- Please use up to 10 key words that describe the case study for web searches in your manuscript.
- Figures and tables should appear within the text of the case study and are numbered consecutively. The figure or table number and description should appear left-justified in 10-point size at the top. Legends should be short and define any acronyms, abbreviations or symbols used.
2. Case Study Presentation Guidelines
- Presentations of case studies during the forum could be done using power point slides or poster presentation as deemed relevant.
- Every case study presentation is allocated 20minutes followed by 5 minutes for Q&As
If you are using poster presentation:
- Please communicate this at the time of submission of the case study. The poster should not be larger than 1.0 meter in width and 1.4m in height. A freestanding bulletin board will be available in the conference session room for the mounting of the poster. Use softer colors. Posters should be readable from a distance of approximately 20 feet.
- Poster must clearly highlight the one essential theme that is put across to the audience.