Global Challenges, Local Impact: Higher Education's
Role in Shaping a Resilient Future

14th – 16th April, 2026 | Dubai, UAE

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Forum’s Objectives

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The 4th MENA Higher Education Leadership Forum has the following objectives:

  1. To address how various social and technological disruption drivers are currently influencing and will continue to impact the higher edcuation sector both regionally and globally.
  2. To collectively reach to an understanding of what the ‘Future University: University 4.0’ will look like and how HEIs need to align their strategies to rapid changes.
  3. To discuss various educational reforms required by regulatory bodies across the region and beyond to ensure the sector remains relevant and agile to the rapid changes caused by the 4th industry revolution and future revolutions.
  4. To explore how the higher education sector can contribute to the knowledge based economy through engaging with skilling, re-skilling and upskilling of the future workforce.
  5. To consider strategies that could be adopted not only to promote student employability but to prepare students for an ‘unknown’ future via empowering them to become lifelong learners.
  6. To share good practices and success stories where institutions and educational systems from across the globe have been positively transformed to respond to the 4th industry revolution.
  7. To examine ways through which different stakeholders including government and industry (public and private) can work closer together to drive positive change and support socio-economic development.
