Towards a New Generation of Engaged Universities:
The Need to Act, Adapt and Transform

16th – 18thApril, 2024 | Kempinski Central Avenue (Formerly the Address Dubai Mall), Dubai, UAE

Sponsorship Opportunities

The 6th MENA Higher Education Leadership Forum (MENA-HELF) organized by the Center for Learning Innovations and Customized Knowledge Solutions (CLICKS) will be back in April 2024 in its 6th edition. We invite you to support an exclusive event that will bring together more than 300 higher education senior leaders and decision makers from across the globe during two and a half days to discuss and debate emerging trends impacting higher education, opportunities, barriers and practical challenges encountered as well as solutions and strategies universities must adopt to meet the rapidly disruptive environment in which it operates and embrace transformation. 

The upcoming Forum’s theme is focused on enabling meaningful and timely conversations about how the ‘New University’ should look like, what role it should play, how it should act and adapt and what it will take from universities to ensure they remain relevant and agile in time of uncertainty and dynamism. The Forum will also witness the announcement of the winners of the 3rd cycle of the Zairi International Awards for Excellence in Higher Education; which will celebrate higher education institutions from across the globe who are daily making impact on their communities and on the sector more broadly.

Why Sponsor the Forum?

The MENA Higher Education Leadership Forum offers a unique opportunity to increase your organization’s exposure.
In addition to the specific benefits described under each sponsorship category, the Forum will support your organization in:

  • Positioning itself as a supporter of higher education in the region and globally and contribute to a worthwhile event.
  • Being involved development of cutting-edge strategies to significant issues and challenges related to higher education and re-considering the role of the new engaged university
  • Supporting research related activities and the exchange of best practices linked to the theme of the event and to the role of universities in addressing sustainability and emerging challenges our nations face
  • Projecting its corporate message and image in relation to higher education being one of the key drivers to build nation’s human capital and to addressing many of the global challenges we are facing
  • Networking and meeting with influential people in higher education and ‘likeminded’ other sponsors and supporters. 
  • Being involved with supporting research and development as well as innovation as a main driver for the growth and well-being of our nations. 
  • Gaining knowledge and insights from various presentations and interventions made throughout the even. 
  • Showcasing various services and offerings through the exhibition booth which will be set as one of the benefits extended to sponsors
  • Making new acquaintances and establishing new partnerships and collaborations regionally and internationally

Sponsorship Opportunities

Throughout the years, the success of the MENA Higher Education Leadership Forum has been significantly reliant on the contribution and support of various partners, and spoons who share a common vision and passion for the advancement of higher education in the region and beyond.
The role of our sponsors and supporters remains crucial to ensuring the success of our non-for-profit event. Sponsorship and other forms of support will greatly help the organizers subsidize for the various costs associated to the Forum including those related to the venue, travelling of speakers and presenters, marketing, among many others. The MENA Higher Education Leadership Forum organized every two years have established its self as a credible, rich and engaging platform that attract high profile delegated from more than 50 countries; hence offering an exclusive opportunity to increase your organization’s visibility and profile prior, during and after the event.

Event Highlights

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HEIs & Organizations
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Speakers/ Panelists
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Pre-Forum Workshops
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Case Studies’ presentations
Panels/ Debates