Towards a New Generation of Engaged Universities:
The Need to Act, Adapt and Transform

16th – 18thApril, 2024 | Kempinski Central Avenue (Formerly the Address Dubai Mall), Dubai, UAE

Dr. Shahin V. BAYRAMOV

Dr. Shahin V. Bayramov, an accomplished academic and administrator, has made significant contributions to the field of higher education and international collaboration. With a diverse range of roles and responsibilities, his career showcases a commitment to fostering educational excellence and promoting global partnerships.

Since 2019, Dr. Shahin V. Bayramov has served as the Rector of Mingachevir State University (MSU) in Mingachevir, Azerbaijan. Under his leadership, the university has continued to thrive as an institution of academic excellence.

In 2022, Dr. Shahin V. Bayramov was elected as an Administrative Board Member of the prestigious International Association of Universities, a testament to his reputation and influence in the global higher education community.

His dedication to enhancing the educational landscape is evident through his role as the Grant Manager of the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Project titled “Enhancing Sustainable Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Higher Education of Azerbaijan.” This project, coordinated by MSU, aims to drive positive change within Azerbaijan’s higher education system and promote sustainable entrepreneurship.

Dr. Shahin V. Bayramov’s previous government service includes his tenure as the Deputy-Director of the Research and Higher Education Department at the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan from 2017 to 2019. During this time, he played a crucial role in shaping education policy and fostering research initiatives.

Internationally, Dr. Shahin V. Bayramov has been a key figure in Azerbaijan’s engagement with the European Higher Education Area. He served as Azerbaijan’s Coordinator at the Bologna Follow-Up Group, contributing to the country’s alignment with European higher education standards.

His expertise also extends to international projects, including his role as the Country Leader of the Twinning Project focused on strengthening Azerbaijan’s higher education system. This initiative, spanning from 2018 to 2020, showcased his commitment to enhancing educational quality and infrastructure.

Dr. Shahin V. Bayramov’s academic contributions are equally impressive. He held the position of Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Programs at Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) from 2012 to 2017. His role was instrumental in fostering international collaborations and enriching the university’s global perspective.

An Associate-Professor at both MSU and UNEC, Dr. Shahin V. Bayramov has imparted knowledge to students through courses such as International Economics, World Economy, International Trade Policy, EU Economics, and Research Methods.

His educational journey is marked by significant achievements. Dr. Shahin V. Bayramov earned his Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral Degrees in International Economics from UNEC in Azerbaijan. He furthered his academic pursuits with a Graduate Study in Higher Education Administration and Academic Leadership from Penn State University, USA, in 2016.

Dr. Shahin V. Bayramov has engaged in continuous professional development, participating in programs at renowned institutions such as Zhejiang Normal University (China), Cornell University (USA), University of Warwick (UK), and Indiana University (USA).

His role as the Grant Manager of the European Commission’s TEMPUS Project on “Development and Improvement of the University Administration on International Affairs” (2013-2017) highlights his commitment to advancing administrative practices within higher education.

Dr. Shahin V. Bayramov is a sought-after speaker and contributor to international conferences and forums, sharing insights and perspectives in locations spanning the globe, including the USA, China, UK, France, Germany, Turkey, and numerous other countries.

In summary, Dr. Shahin V. Bayramov stands as a dedicated advocate for higher education advancement and international cooperation. His multifaceted roles, extensive expertise, and global engagement have significantly enriched the educational landscape in Azerbaijan and beyond.